1. Introduction / Who is Revenue Harvest Sdn Bhd (revPAY) RevPay is the official Malaysian online payment service partnering Alipay.com to facilitate Malaysian Consumers for purchases at Taobao.com. Currently, our partner Banks are Maybank, CIMB and RHB Bank. Accounts holders of these 3 banks are able to make purchases at Taobao.com using our Payment Gateway. More partner Banks will be added in the near future.

    Our Corporate website is www.revenue.com.my
    Our payment gateway official website is www.revpay.com.my
    For inquiries, kindly email us at customercare@revpay.com.my
  2. Operating Hours Our Online Payment Gateway is operating 23 hours. However, consumers may have to check with his/her Bank on its Internet Banking hours as not all Banks are providing 23 hours Internet Banking.
  3. Why do I need to provide my email address? We need your email address for receipt purposes, transaction status i.e. refund / reversal and also as a first communication channel.

    We may from time to time broadcast email messages to our customers on latest updates, happenings, sales promotion etc.
  4. Refund Policy More information can be obtained at Taobao.com and Alipay.com on customer refund policy and procedures http://help.alipay.com/lab/help_detail.htm?help_id=385107
  5. How to request for refund? If in any situation that you require a refund, kindly initiate the refund request in Alipay.com website. The Refund request will be base on the Date request + 14 working days.
  6. Refund Timeline The refund request will only be valid for a period of 6 months from transaction date. Any refund request initiated after 6 months from transaction date is not supported.

    Timeline (from Transaction date) Date of Refund request Remarks
    Within 6 months After 14 days from transaction date Supported
    After 6 months After 14 days from transaction date Not supported
  7. What do I do if I did not receive my products? Kindly log-in into Taobao.com or Alipay.com with your user ID and initiate a refund request, stating your reasons for refund.
  8. My account was debited even though transaction was not successful? Kindly email us your transaction details with print-screen of banking account indicating deduction of amount (if any) to customercare@revpay.com.my for our investigation purposes and refund/reversal.